Service Rates
Services: | Price: | Details: |
Business or Residential By Appointment only |
$75 for the first two hours or fraction thereof and $40 for each subsequent hour. | At your location during normal business hours (between 9am and 5pm). 2 hour minimum. No Service Contract Required. |
Business or Residential Evenings and weekends By Appointment only |
$90 for the first two hours or fraction thereof and $50 for each subsequent hour. | After 5pm or on Saturday, Sunday or holidays. 2 hour minimum. No Service Contract Required. |
Business or Residential Our Location (You bring it in)By Appointment only |
$60 for the first two hours or fraction thereof and $30 for each subsequent hour. | You bring your computer to us during normal business hours (between 9am and 5pm). 2 hour minimum. No Service Contract Required. |
Note: Contact us for job-specific quotes. | ||
Web Design and promotion (thirty days of minor adjustments are included) | ||
Basic Business Web | $350Includes 1st year domain registration and one full year of hosting. | Basic Business Web
Web Server | $12 Monthly | We will find you a reliable hosting service for you. |
Web Design Services | $40 hr. | All additional Web development work beyond the Basic 4 page Business Web package. |
Web Graphics and Photography | $45 hr. | Need a personalized Logo for your business? |
Flash™ Development | $60 hr. | How about a really Cool Macromedia® Flash™ Website intro or presentation? |
Professional Website Promotion | This is a pass-thru cost starting at $200 | We will promote your site so you can get more traffic. More traffic = more business. |
Consulting & Support: via Email or Phone | ||
General questions and upgrade advice | FREE | Feel free to email or call for any questions. (for current clients only) |